R91 – Attachable Power Nose

Six-pole 400 Hz AC ionomer plastic body Attachable Power Nose

Modular construction for easy replacement or worn components

Excellent resistance to moisture/chemicals and sever wear and tear

Silver-plated over machined copper contacts

Lugs may be crimped or soldered to cables

R91 Attachable Power Nose Catalog Sheets



The Attachable® Power Nose is designed to be the quickest assembly and lowest overall service ground power connector

Super tough ionomer plastic clam shell design; fully modular

On-off; in-out waterproof switches with Waterproof LED status indicators

Furnished in many combinations of power and control contacts, cable sizes and wiring arrangements.

Nominal Voltage 115/200 Volts (400 Hz)
Electrical Ratings – Power 30°C Rise, 450A Continuous, 1500A for 1 min
Electrical Ratings – Cntrl 30°C Rise, 35A Continuous
Material Synthetic Rubber
Temperature Range -60°C/120°C     -60°F/248°F
Power Contacts Silver Plated over machined copper

R91 Attachable Power Nose Catalog Sheets